Dell E510 BIOS Error Code 1-4

Oh, the wonders of Dell. You think you’re safe after a crash. Alas, you are not. Two days ago, my Dimension E510 decided to stick at the boot screen. The progress bar was stuck at about twenty-five percent. The front panel error codes that light up are 1 and 4. After a little searching through the Dell Community Forums, it appears as though the culprit is the front panel with the USB/Audio and power button. Most have speculated that this is due to a USB pin not aligning, and as I look into the front USB hub, it’s probably just that. Stupid brothers iPod. Anyways, the repair part is here at Dell Accessories. Will update if it does/does not fix the problem.

UPDATE: It was that part, and now it is all fixed! Now if I could get some decent air circulation in the case so that it stops crashing… The original cause was a thermal warning. The part is no longer at Dell Accessories, but the part number is X8543. You’ll need to call Dell using this pop up window.

2 comments so far

  1. Lyon on

    Hey, too bad I don’t have live. Is there a burn-to-CD option?
    Anyways, I’ve been reading about Red Rings with the NXE. whatabout you?

  2. LAG on

    I haven’t heard anything from MS about an offline firmware update since the last time it was done on the original Xbox. But I’ll ask around for ya. I haven’t red ringed even tho I have the first model of an xbox 360 Core. It’ll happen soon. Again LOL

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