Archive for August, 2009|Monthly archive page

Modern Warfare Coming to DS, Likely To Suck

Would you be caught dead playing CoD on this?

Would you be caught dead playing CoD on this?

In this rough economy, any money that can be squeezed out of a franchise is needed to help a publisher scrape through. Meet Activision. They are a publishing megahouse with such success as the Guitar Hero series, Doom 3, and the Call of Duty series. Certainly something as graphically advanced and with such great selling power as Call of Duty can help make ends meet. Activision certainly thinks so, and they have announced that Call of Duty will be coming to the graphically-challenged Playstation Portable, the only portable system that could possibly handle a shooter of this caliber. Sorry, what’s that? It’s for the Nintendo DS? The even more graphically-challenged handheld?

Yes, it’s true. Activision has announced that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: Mobilized (or CoD:MW:M) will be coming to the Nintendo DS with a six-player multiplayer option and “a variety of weapons, vehicles, and reconnaissance drones with which to wreak havoc on the battlefield.” It certainly could, but the bigger question is, how badly is it going to suck? The DS isn’t a power handheld by any means, and it certainly isn’t a very good device for a shooter. More importantly, why would anyone want to play one of the top shooters of our time on two midget sized screens? There’s probably a bigger market for a netbook edition of Call of Duty. For those still interested, it’s coming out the same day as MW2, 11.10.09.

Gamespot: Modern Warfare invading DS

Images : / CC BY 2.0 / CC BY-SA 2.0

Creative’s Back, Stock Hits Eleven Month High

Wow! After the announcement of the THX partnership and news about the ZiiEGG, many in the Creative community (myself included) felt like the company had pulled a 180° and was now sailing into a brighter, more positive future. Apparently, the markets feel the same way- Creative stock is up massively.  The price opened at $5.95 per share on Tuesday- a 30% uptake in one day. Unheard of. As of this post, it’s up another $1.10 today- another 20% increase by my math. These are levels that the company hasn’t seen quite some time- eleven months according TODAYonline. It seems that the press is taking note as well: Reuters, TODAYonline, and ChannelNewsAsia all have stories featuring Creative. TODAYonline even opened with the following line: “Is entrepreneur Sim Wong Hoo crafting a new strategy for his company?” Surely this can be only good things for a company that has seen only negative momentum on the stocks- let’s hope the market share for DAPs follows shortly. C’mon Creative!

Singapore Exchange (change company to Creative Technology Ltd)

MyCreativeFansite via epiZENter

TODAYonline– Strategic Shift at Creative Tech?


Reuters– Singapore Hot Stocks


Welcome to the new Tech in Hiding

Every year, or sometimes several times a year, I try to update the site to make it easier to navigate and to consolidate on unused sections. Today, the 2009 version of this is nearing completion. Here are the highlights of the new update:

  • More modern theme. The old theme worked fine functionally, but it was a bit dated stylewise. It didn’t showcase the site enough, so it’s been updated to a fantastic design by Nick over at ElegantThemes.
  • Removal of Games subblog. There wasn’t nearly enough posts on the site to warrant a special section. Don’t worry, there will be just as many posts about video games. They will be available at .
  • Better integration between the website and forums. I’ve moved off SMF onto the more WordPress-friendly Simple:Press. It takes the theme exactly and just moves everything into a cleaner operation.
  • Archiving of member blogs. The latest blog post from member blogs was back in early June. They’ve all been moved to with proper redirects on the backend, so new visitors won’t even notice a thing. This is almost finished at this moment.
  • True multi-browser support. The other version looked pathetic in Opera, and that issue seems to have been resolved.

Hopefully, everything is up and working at this time. If you can’t get to a page or other related problems, please leave a message below or in our forums. Thanks, and I hope you enjoy the new look.