PayPal Support Added to Xbox Live

Themes, 800 points. Fragging your ten year old neighbor, priceless. For everything money can't buy on Xbox Live, there's PayPal.

Themes, 800 points. Fragging your ten year old neighbor, priceless. For everything money can't buy on Xbox Live, there's PayPal.

So what happens when you take a financial company that has access to your bank account and credit cards in addition to your eBay seller account and integrate some of its services with one of the world’s biggest technology companies? Nothing evil, of course, simply support for you to feed your debt gaming addiction through PayPal. In the land of the free only, as the US seems to be the only one that supports the “massively in debt, but I’ll keep spending anyways” customer base.  While it’s not full support, and it requires you to buy the Microsoft Points online through in order for you to go to the console and then download the content, it makes it really easy. It’s not like they could have figured a way to hook up the PayPal account to distribute money to the account directly from your Xbox Dashboard thus saving a trip to the PC in the still slow web navigation. Just don’t start crying when either PayPal overcharges or Microsoft loses the transaction, or EA decides you need to buy the game twice. Just find a Twitter page and post it there. Please, no blog posts, as those end up on Digg and clogging my Reddit with “OMG PAYPAL STEELZ MY MONIES” and “MICRO$OFT HATES YOU” posts. I already have enough “Damn, EA sucks” posts on there as it is, and those never get old.

Major Nelson- PayPal now available for US Xbox LIVE Accounts

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