Archive for the ‘zms-08’ Tag

Creative, ZiiLABS to Host First Zii Summit In First Week of December

When I read the Singapore Business-Times article over on epiZENter yesterday, there was a curious mention of demonstrations at a ‘Shenzen conference’. Not being particularly great with China’s second busiest port city, I thought it was just an industry conference. However, that has changed with the press release from ZiiLABS today, which announced a ‘Zii Summit’ for December 1-2 in Shenzen. According to the press release, Creative CEO Sim Wong Hoo, in addition to the head of ZiiLABS, Hock Leow, will be giving keynote addresses on the first day in addition to a press conference. More importantly, however, is the seminar that will be held over the two days to showcase the ‘technology, platforms, products, services, and content’ of the Zii ecosystem. Simultaneously, however, is the real point of the summit- to showcase the full range of Zii-powered devices. The wording in the press release, which is copied below, is overwhelmingly positive as all press releases are, mentions multiple Zii-powered products. The door has been locked shut on any leaks thus far to upcoming devices, but it seems that this will open the floodgates. I’m certainly excited. Continue reading